Services Offered
- Comprehensive Mental Health Evaluations
- Click Here to Register for a Comprehensive Mental Health Evaluation
- General Clinical Evaluations
- Anger Management Evaluations
- Click Here to Register for an Anger Evaluation
- Group Therapy/Sessions
- Individual Sessions
Schedule Your Appointment Today
Call our office Monday-Friday,
9AM-6PM EST to schedule now

Clinical Evaluations and
Mental Health Services
Clinical services are usually requested by clients, their families, their Primary Care Physicians (PCP) and/or other health care providers. These services include clinical evaluations, individual/group counseling (psychotherapy), and/or referral to other practitioners.
West Metro Counseling Group has provided the following services since 1996:
- Abuse Survivors
- Adult Comprehensive & Diagnostic Mental Health Evaluation
- Click Here to Register for a Comprehensive Mental Health Evaluation
- Anger and Explosive Disorder
- Click Here to Register for an Anger Evaluation
- Anxiety Disorder
- Bipolar Disorder
- Co-Occurring Disorders
- Death Issues
- Depression
- Emotional Issues in Adolescent/Adult Children Who Are Born to Older Parents
- Emotional Issues Among Adolescent/Adult Children of Alcoholic Parents
- Existential Issues
- Family/Parent-Child Counseling
- Parenting Education
- Click Here to Register for Parenting Education
- Shoplifting Intervention
- Click Here to Register for Shoplifting Intervention
- Grief Counseling
- Interpersonal Conflict
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Retiring & Retirement Age Emotional Issues
- Stress Disorder
- Substance Abuse and Addiction Disorders
- Stop Smoking Program
Alcohol and drug abuse evaluation and treatment (for individual and group) services due to Driving Under Influence (DUI) for license reinstatement based on requirements of the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS), Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBH/DD), and the U.S. Department of Transportation Substance Abuse Professional (DOT/SAP):
- First DUI Offenders Evaluations and Treatments (ASAM-I)
- Multiple DUI Offenders Evaluations and Treatments (ASAM-I)
- DOT Offenders Evaluations and Treatments (ASAM-I)
- Click Here to Register for an ASAM Treatment

Providing licensed counseling services to clients nationwide through tele-health
Contact our staff Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM EST